Friday, November 26, 2010

A Thanksgiving Disaster!

Hey-o! happy Black Friday! Yes, this is the time of year when our familly is at the stores, since King Dad is so cheap. He is a little, well, infuriated because of what happend at thanksgiving last night. It all started when our guests arrived at our house. Wart, and (yuck) Susan came. So, when we were settling down for dinner, there was a commotion. We, well, um, found out what that ticking noise in the lounge was. When Ludwig was packing up, one of his inventions fell on the floor. It was the long-term time bomb. And so, after a day or two of Ludwig being gone, Wendy accidentallly pushed a button with her foot that started it. It was scheduled to explode in 3 months. Ludwig intended to plant in Marios house. So that exploded and the entire den was in ruins. everyone could see dad getting angry, so Iggy tried to pass him some mashed potatoes, but that anoter explosion shook the room, makin the mashed potatoes fly on King Dad's head. Oh was he furiose. The explosin was nothing big. Just a Bomb-omb from outside, but then Roy was going to punch Iggy, who just moved out of the way, so he punched dad. So dad is mad at every Koopaling excep for me and Lemmy, so we decided it would be best to stay away. Every other koopaling is in the dungeon right now, except for Ludwig, who nervously flew back to his college. At least its not me! GOOD BUY!

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