Friday, June 25, 2010

Back to DarkLand

Well, Iggy and I (yuck I just used good grammar) have had zero luck whatsoever finding the door. And worse than that, on only the second day of our vacation, King Dad comfiscated my Laptop! Somthing about spending too much time on it watching Koop tube, but still. Well, I can still tell yyou about what happend with me and my brother. So after my laptop got confiscated, I decided to give it another try. so me and Iggy went back to that really tall warp pipe. Jumped at it a couple times and then Iggy came up with this idea to boost me up into the pipe, since he was so tall. It actually worked. So then I pulled him up, and we were in the Rougeport Sewers! However, after that we got completely lost and ended up on some random fortress on the moon. Luckily, some of the local alien...things with big Xs on their chest came over to us and took us on a SPACESHIP back to Rougeport. Well, as you could guess, King Dad was FURIOUSE. We have been gone for about a day. Old Bowser said he and Clawdia were searching all night for us. We had to stay in our rooms until the triip was over, and then when we got home, we have to stay in the dungeons for a whole week. Well, were home now, and its only been 1 day since we go back, so I have 6 more days to go. Luckily, I snuck my comfiscated laptop into the dungeon, so I have THAT 2 entertain myself. Oh-no! I hear someone coming! Time to shut off my laptop.
-Morton Koopa

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