Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ludwig's Greatest Creation

Um, so as I told you all last week, Ludwig was in his lab a lot, trying to make a new Monster or Robot or something like that, and well, he's done it! He's created Chain Chomp robot named Robo-Chomp. I know, I know. Chain Chomps are already robots, sort of. But Ludwig didn't get that part I guess. OH! And also, Bowser's heard of that Mario soccer league, and I think he wants to join. Lemmy got really exited because he loves soccer, and I wouldn't mind playing either, but the only Koopaling he asked to play was Stupid Bowser Junior. In fact, he's letting Bowser Junior have his own team! Not fair. Well, right now A servant of Bowser (a koopatroll) is handing out fliers today around darkland. I wander who will join?


  1. Hey,Morton Follow me or I'll stop Paying to use your laptop.

  2. actually I won't.But I could use the follow anyway.

  3. Fine, oh brother of mine. I will. But I'm raising the fee
